Frankie Boyle, who is Scottish but still gets paid your tax pounds to spew venomous drivel by the allegedly BRITISH Broadcasting Corporation, was asked as part of the 'Mock the Week' show to think of something the Queen would not say in her Christmas speech, a broadcast close to the hearts millions of impressionable young children and sensitive elderly people. His 'disgracefully foul' reply was: 'I have had a few medical issues this year - I'm now so old that my p**** is haunted.'
It is unclear what the p-word is because of the stars, but we're pretty sure it's something utterly obscene.
'Mock the Week' claims to take a satirical view of current affairs. Although we've never actually watched it, it seems like what it really does is encourage contestants to use filthy language and target poor old ladies, as well as taking unwarranted swipes at Britishness, while promoting homosexuality and communism.
The decision to allow the 'joke' to be aired on the show at 10pm, hours after Brand resigned, has led to renewed anger among viewers, according to our own estimates.
One newspaper sent a transcript of the comments to Mediawatch
Davies didn't disappoint, yelling: '
Just in case you missed the vile episode of 'Mock the Week', or perhaps you've never watched it but would like to complain about how shocked and offended you were by it, the full transcript is here.
Next week: Sexual innuendo uncovered on CBBC - We have the pictures.
**Update** Some leftie so-called 'webloggers' seem to find Boyle and friends amusing. This sick filth should be banned now.